The National Commission for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People (we, us, the National Commission) collects personal information through this webform so that we can give you an answer to your query about the business of the National Commission.

You do not have to tell us who you are when you make your enquiry, but this may limit how we can respond to you. We ask you not to include personal information about other people in your query, unless they have given you their permission to share it with us or you are making the query on their behalf (for example, as their parent or guardian).

By making your query, we have understood that you consent to us using and disclosing any personal information you give us in this webform to provide you with a response. This includes any sensitive information you share with us, such as information about whether you are an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.

If you change your mind and don’t want your personal information to be handled in this way, please let us know. This may mean we can’t help you as much as we would like to.

You should also be aware that the National Commission may use or share your personal information where this is authorised or required by law. This includes if it is necessary to do this to lessen or prevent a serious risk to the life, health of safety of any person, or to public health or safety. The National Commission shares information with the Department of Social Services, when the Department helps us to perform our functions and activities.

You can find more information about how we handle personal information by visiting our privacy policy. This includes information about how to contact us to access or correct information about you, and your rights to make a complaint about how we handle your personal information.

We use the GovCMS platform provided by the Department of Finance to run our website. This means that when you contact us through the website:

  • The Department of Finance may collect and use website analytics information about your activity on the Department’s website. We do this too, and you can find more information about this on our website; and
  • The Department of Finance and its subcontractors may only access your personal information in the GovCMS platform if they have to do this to maintain or fix the platform. Some subcontractor staff may access the GovCMS platform from other countries.

Personal and Sensitive Information

We handle your personal and sensitive information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988.

‘Personal information’ is any information or opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information.

Sensitive information

‘Sensitive information’ is:

information or an opinion about an individual’s:

  1. racial or ethnic origin; or
  2. political opinions; or
  3. membership of a political association; or
  4. religious beliefs or affiliations; or
  5. philosophical beliefs; or
  6. membership of a professional or trade association; or
  7. membership of a trade union; or
  8. sexual orientation or practices; or
  9. criminal record;

personal information

that is also personal information; or

  1. health information about an individual; or
  2. genetic information about an individual that is not otherwise health information; or
  3. biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or biometric identification; or
  4. biometric templates.